Thymos Global Equities Long Short Market Neutral Fund

Thymos Global Equities Long Short Market Neutral Fund

The investment manager for the Thymos Global Equities Long Short Market Neutral Fund is Thymos Funds Management Pty Ltd ACN 649 612 788. Established in 2021 Thymos Funds Management is an Australian based active asset manager, specialising in global equities.

The manager believes that a dynamic investment process, using a blend of macroeconomic top-down modelling and quantitative bottom-up company analysis, will outperform traditional investment styles.

The Fund generally holds around 300 positions equally balanced between long and short holdings such that the overall exposure to market is close to zero. Risk controls ensure that exposures to any particular region, industry or stock are minimised and that the portfolio is well diversified in aggregate.

The Fund’s objective is to give investors enhanced cash return that are uncorrelated with other asset classes such as bonds and equities.

This investment is available to wholesale investors only (that is, wholesale clients the Corporations Act defines this).

Additional information about the Fund can be found on the Fund’s website.


Should you have any queries, please contact us on or call us on (02) 8277 0000.